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Romanian Literature


See also Literature.

Ion Dodu Balan. A Concise History of Romanian Literature. Academy of Social and Political Sciences. 1981. 119pp.

George Calinescu. History of Romanian Literature. Nagard-UNESCO. 1988. 893pp. Translation of Istoria literaturii rom�ne.

Marina Cap-Bun. Criss-Cross: Essays in Romanian and Comparative Literature. Barbulescu. 2004. 120pp.

Constantin Ciopraga. The Personality of Romanian Literature: A Synthesis. Junimea Publishing House. 1981. 357pp. Translation of Personalitatea literaturii rom�ne.

Robert Murray Davis. The Literature of Post-Communist Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania: A Study. McFarland. 2008. 198pp.

Sorin P�rvu. The Romanian Novel. East European Monographs. 1992. 161pp.

Jacob Steinberg. Introduction to Rumanian Literature. Twayne. 1966. 441pp.

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