Spanish Language
See also Language and Spanish Culture.
Kormi Anipa. A Critical Examination of Linguistic Variation in Golden-Age Spanish. Peter Lang. 2001. 254pp. Eduardo D. Faingold. The Development of Grammar in Spanish and the Romance Languages. Palgrave Macmillan. 2003. 149pp. Thomas A. Lathrop. The Evolution of Spanish: An Introductory Historical Grammar. Juan de la Cuesta. 1980. 172pp. John M. Lipski. Varieties of Spanish in the United States. Georgetown University Press. 2008. 288pp. John M. Lipski. The Language of the Isle�os: Vestigial Spanish in Louisiana. Louisiana State University Press. 1990. 148pp. Paul M. Lloyd. From Latin to Spanish: Historical Phonology and Morphology of the Spanish Language. American Philosophical Society. 1987. 456pp. Clare Mar-Molinero. The Politics of Language in the Spanish-Speaking World: From Colonisation to Globalisation. Routledge. 2000. 242pp. Ralph Penny. A History of the Spanish Language. Cambridge University Press. 2002. 398pp. Revised edition. David A. Pharies. A Brief History of the Spanish Language. University of Chicago Press. 2007. 298pp. Christopher J. Pountain. A History of the Spanish Language Through Texts. Routledge. 2001. 341pp. Malcolm K. Read. The Birth and Death of Language: Spanish Literature and Linguistics, 1300-1700. Madrid: Jos� Porr�a Turanzas. 1983. 220pp. Carmen Silva-Corval�n. Language Contact and Change: Spanish in Los Angeles. Oxford University Press. 1994. 255pp. C. H. Stevenson. The Spanish Language Today. Hutchinson University Library. 1970. 146pp. Miranda Stewart. The Spanish Language Today. Routledge. 1999. 237pp. Donald N. Tuten. Koineization in Medieval Spanish. Walter de Gruyter. 2003. 345pp. Jos� del Valle; Luis Gabriel-Stheeman (editor). The Battle Over Spanish Between 1800 and 2000: Language Ideologies and Hispanic Intellectuals. Routledge. 2002. 237pp. Karen Zagona. The Syntax of Spanish. Cambridge University Press. 2002. 286pp.
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