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Le Corbusier

Le CorbusierAKA Charles-Édouard Jeanneret

Born: 6-Oct-1887
Birthplace: La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
Died: 27-Aug-1965
Location of death: Cap Martin, France
Cause of death: unspecified
Remains: Buried, Cimeti�re de Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Alpes Maritimes, France

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Architect

Nationality: France
Executive summary: Most influential 20th century architect

Wife: Yvonne Gallis ("Jeanne Victoire Gallis", dressmaker/model, m. 18-Dec-1930, d. 1957)

    University: École des Arts Décoratifs, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

    Naturalized French Citizen
    Portrait on Swiss Currency 10 franc note

Author of books:
Toward a New Architecture (1923, articles, English trans.)
Urbanisme (1925)
The City of Tomorrow (1929, Eng. trans. of Urbanisme)
Quand les Cath�drales �taient Blanches (1937)
La Charte d'Ath�nes (1943)
Les Trois �tablissements humains (1945)
Propos d'Urbanisme (1946)
When the Cathedrals Were White (1947, Eng. trans. of les Cath�drales)
Le Modular I (1948)
The Modular (1954, Eng. trans. of Le Modular I)

Selected edifices:
Domino Housing Project (1914)
Villa Savoye (1930, Poissy, France )
Swiss Dormitory, Cit� Universitaire (1932, Paris, France )
United Nations Secretariat (1951, New York City )
Unit� d'Habitation (1952, Marseilles, France)

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