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Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

Andres Manuel Lopez ObradorAKA Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Born: 13-Nov-1953
Birthplace: Tepetitán, Macuspana, Tabasco, Mexico

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: Hispanic
Occupation: Politician

Nationality: Mexico
Executive summary: Mayor of Mexico City

Member of PRI until 1988, now serving as leftist Mayor of Mexico City. He was the frontrunner in Mexico's 2006 presidential election, though President Vicente Fox and his backers made an attempt to disqualify him from running for national office, by indicting Obrador on a minor planning-commission technicality, an effort seen as what it was, transparent politicking, and finally abandoned on 4th May 2005. Fox's PAN successor Felipe Calder�n emerged from the July election with a meager 200,000 vote lead, leading Lopez Obrador to dispute the results and demand a recount.

    University: Political Science, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Mexican Mayor Mexico City (2000-05)
    Partido Revolucionario Institucional (1970s-1988)
    Partido de la Revoluci�n Democratica (1988-present)
    Mexican Ancestry

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