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Amedeo Avogadro

Amedeo AvogadroAKA Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo Avogadro

Born: 9-Aug-1776
Birthplace: Turin, Italy
Died: 9-Jul-1856
Location of death: Turin, Italy
Cause of death: unspecified

Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Physicist

Nationality: Italy
Executive summary: Avogadro's number

Italian physicist, born at Turin on the 9th of August 1776, and died there on the 9th of July 1856. He was for many years professor of higher physics at the University of Turin. He published many physical memoirs on electricity, the dilatation of liquids by heat, specific heats, capillary attraction, atomic volumes etc. as well as a treatise in 4 volumes on Fisica di corpi ponderabili (1837-41). But he is chiefly remembered for his "Essai d'une mani�re de d�terminer les masses relatives des mol�cules �l�mentaires des corps, et les proportions selon lesquelles elles entrent dans les combinaisons" (Journ. de Phys., 1811), in which he enunciated the hypothesis known by his name (Avogadro's Law) that under the same conditions of temperature and pressure equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of smallest particles or molecules, whether those particles consist of single atoms or are composed of two or more atoms of the same or different kinds. The number of particles in a mole is known as "Avogadro's Number" (or constant), 6.022 � 10^23, determined by the number of Carbon-12 molecules in 0.012 kilograms of that substance.

Father: Filippo Avogadro
Mother: Anna Maria Vercellone
Wife: Felicita Mazzé (m. 1815, 6 children)

    Professor: Physics, University of Turin

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