[2] Partido Comunista Portugu�s (PCP), the Communist Party of Portugal.
Father: José de Sousa (peasant)
Mother: Maria da Piedade (peasant)
Brother: Francisco (b. 1920, d. circa 1925)
Wife: Ilda Reis (typist, m. 1944, div. 1970, d. 1998)
Daughter: Violante (biologist, b. 1947)
Girlfriend: Maria Isabel Gonçalves Bastos (author p/k/a Isabel da Nóbrega, b. 1925, together 1970-86)
Wife: Pilar del Río (journalist, m. 1988)
Pr�mio Cidade de Lisboa 1980
Pr�mio PEN Club Portugu�s 1983, 1984
Pr�mio da Cr�tica da Associa��o Portuguesa 1986
Grande Pr�mio de Romance e Novela 1991
Pr�mio Vida Liter�ria 1993
Cam�es Prize 1995
Nobel Prize for Literature 1998
Official Website:
Author of books:
Terra do Pecado (The Land of Sin) (1947, novel)
Os Poemas Poss�veis (Possible Poems) (1966, poetry)
Provavelmente Alegria (Probably Joy) (1970, poetry)
Deste Mundo e do Outro (From this World and the Other) (1970, essays)
A Bagagem do Viajante (The Traveller's Baggage) (1973, essays)
As Opini�es que o DL teve (The Opinions the DL Had) (1974, essays on the Carnation Revolution)
O Ano de 1993 (The Year 1993) (1975, poetry)
Os Apontamentos (1976, essays)
Manual de Pintura e Caligrafia (Manual of Painting and Calligraphy) (1977, novel)
Objecto Quase (Quasi Object) (1978, short stories)
Levantado do Ch�o (Risen from the Earth) (1980, novel)
Viagem a Portugal (Journey to Portugal) (1981, essays)
Memorial do Convento (Baltasar and Blimunda) (1982, novel)
O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis (The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis) (1986, novel)
A Jangada de Pedra (The Stone Raft) (1986, novel)
Hist�ria do Cerco de Lisboa (The History of the Siege of Lisbon) (1989, novel)
O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo (The Gospel According to Jesus Christ) (1991, Biblical novel)
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira (Blindness) (1995, novel)
Todos os Nomes (All the Names) (1997, novel)
O Conto da Ilha Desconhecida (Tale of the Unknown Island) (1997, novel)
Folhas Pol�ticas (Papers on Policy) (1999, essays)
A Caverna (The Cave) (2001, novel)
O Homem Duplicado (The Duplicate Man) (2003, novel)
Ensaio sobre a Lucidez (Seeing) (2004, novel; sequel to Blindness)
As Intermit�ncias da Morte (Death with Interruptions) (2005, novel)
As Pequenas Mem�rias (Small Memories) (2007, memoir)
A Viagem do Elefante (The Elephant's Journey) (2008, historical novel)
Caim (Cain) (2009, Biblical novel)
O Caderno (The Notebook) (2009, compiled blog entries)
O Caderno 2 (The Notebook 2) (2010, compiled blog entries)
Wrote plays:
A Noite (Nightlife) (1979)
Que Farei Com Este Livro? (What Shall I do with this Book?) (1980)
A Segunda Vida de Francisco de Assis (The Second Life of Francis of Assisi) (1987)
In Nomine Dei (1993)
Don Giovanni, ou o Dissoluto Absolvido (Don Giovanni, or The Dissolute Acquitted) (2005)
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